Open Hearts
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“…Whoever receives the one
whom I send, receives Me...”
John 13:20
Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
for the Transformation of the World
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We are a loving, caring, multicultural and fully inclusive Christian community who welcomes all in Christian love.



There is nothing more powerful than faith.  Through our faith in God, we can overcome any obstacle, no matter how large or small, how dire the consequences or trivial they may seem.  Sometimes, especially during the hard times, there is nothing more elusive than faith.  That’s where a faith community like St. Paul’s United Methodist Church can help. 
God has infinite faith in us, always had and always will. However, sometimes we back away from God and try to go it on our own. God’s faith in us and love for us is so strong, that despite our propensity to rely on our own strength, the Spirit works in our lives to empower us to a life of costly grace. Thus, through the Spirit, we can experience true joy and the power that comes with a deep relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
Several times each week, St. Paul’s gathers together for worship, Bible study and prayer. Through these experiences, we increase our faith and help others to do the same.  Please join us on your faith journey and experience that power that faith in God will bring you.  


Worship Service

Sunday at 10:00am

Church School 

(Kindergarten- 6th Grade)

Due to Covid 19, we are providing at home lessons. Please contact us  to learn more.

Daily Morning Prayer:

Monday-Friday at 7:00am

Worship Bulletin

September 25, 2022

We are a diverse community of Christians that come 

together as one church in faith & action. 

I am a spiritual person, but not religious. I

don’t relate to an organized religion. 

We’d love to know you. 

Here’s the best place to start.

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Whether you're at a crossroad in your spiritual journey, or have been on the same path for years, St. Paul's offers a safe place to continue your personal spiritual journey. As you step forward in faith, you'll find yourself surrounded by an accepting and loving Christian community. Come along the path with us.

Do you feel like this?

I am a spiritual person, but not religious.

I don’t relate to an organized religion.

Why St. Paul’s Could be Your Church

Religious practices are good only to the extent that they
nurture healthy and profound spirituality.

Come join us in an intentional and faithful spiritual journey, taking Jesus Christ as the ultimate example for what it means to be a spiritual person.

Do you feel like this?

I’m an ethical person and live a good life.

I don’t find church relevant to my life.

Why St. Paul’s Could be Your Church:

St. Paul’s is a church that reaches out beyond our church walls to meet the needs of the wider community in Christian love. We’re actively involved in many social justice issues such as fighting racism, gun violence, housing insecurity, immigration, and LGBTQ+ inclusion.

Do you feel like this?

Over the years, the church has caused

too much pain for so many people.

Why St. Paul’s Could be Your Church:

We’re so sad to acknowledge that churches fail people and,
at times, have caused more pain than comfort.

By God’s grace, we at St. Paul’s, have been transformed and
truly welcome people as they are.

Do you feel like this?

I know my life has not been stellar.

If you really know my past,

you wouldn’t want me in your church.

Why St. Paul’s Could be Your Church:

St. Paul’s believes that the church was created by God for
everyone, including people who have done things they’re not
proud of. We’d like to have the honor of welcoming you into our faith community to share in God’s redeeming love.

Do you feel like this?

I’m gay

(lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer+).

No church will welcome me.

Why St. Paul’s Could be Your Church:

We painfully acknowledge that many churches have failed to welcome our LGBTQ+ community. St. Paul’s is a place of love and acceptance and we have
been fortunate to have LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters in our church family. You are welcomed and loved here at St. Paul’s. 

Do you feel like this?

I’m poor and don’t have proper clothes to

wear to the church.

Why St. Paul’s Could be Your Church:

You are welcome just as you are. There is no dress code at St. Paul’s. St. Paul’s has always  supported our neighbors in need and welcome everyone into our community. At St. Paul’s, homeless people and college professors often sit
together to worship and break bread together.

Do you feel like this?

I’m a mother with young kids.

They’re a handful.

I don’t want to disrupt the church.

Why St. Paul’s Could be Your Church:

There’s nothing more beautiful than having children in our
worship services and joining in our ministries. It doesn’t matter if your kids are “perfect angels”. Jesus said “Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

Do you feel like this?

I’m new to the area

and looking for a new church.

Why St. Paul’s Could be Your Church:

We, at St. Paul’s, are from all over the country and many
different parts of the world. As each new person joins our church family, our faith community and traditions become enriched. We look forward to welcoming you into our church family.

Do you feel like this?

I’m looking for a new inviting

church community.

I no longer feel drawn to church

I grew up in.

Why St. Paul’s Could be Your Church:

St. Paul’s welcomes people who have fallen away from the denominations and churches they once belonged to. We believe that everyone should have a church family that they relate to and feel at home with. We hope that you will join us to see if St. Paul’s is the church family for you.

¿Te sientes así?:

Mi inglés es muy limitado, el español es mi lengua materna.

Puedo o no ser indocumentado.

Do You Feel Like This?:

(I’m an immigrant. My English is very limited, Spanish is my native language. I may or may not be undocumented.)

Por qué San Pablo puede ser tu iglesia:

St. Paul’s está llamado a ministrar a todos en nuestra comunidad.
Todos somos ciudadanos de la comunidad de Dios. No se
necesita documentación.

Esperamos dar la bienvenida a más vecinos hispanohablantes a nuestra congregación y crecer juntos a través de Cristo, junto
con usted.

Why St. Paul’s Could be Your Church:

(St. Paul’s is called to minister to everyone in our community, we are all citizens of God’s community –
no documentation is needed.

We look forward to welcoming more Spanish-speaking neighbors into our congregation and growing
together, through Christ, with you.)

I am ready to begin my journey with St. Paul's United Methodist Church


We strive to share God’s love by creating safe places where all are accepted and welcomed, connecting the needs of people to the presence of God, and transforming the world through Christ.


Office Hours

Monday , Wednesday & Friday 8 am – 1 pm

Tuesday 12 pm – 5 pm

Thursday 11 am – 4 pm

Visit Us

58 W Main St. Middletown, NY 10940

Call Us

(845) 343-6911

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