United Methodist Women
Third Thursday of each month,
7:00 p.m.
Meeting Place:
St. Paul’s UMC. Chapel
Who We Are. Welcome to the United Methodist Women of St. Paul’s. We share a Bible lesson, camaraderie, and a healthy snack. Throughout the year, we strive to fulfill our mission of turning faith, hope, and love into action. We welcome new members and hope all will join us in reflecting on the United Methodist Women’s goal of serving locally and globally in mission.
How We Serve. Locally, we work with the “No Kid Hungry Backpack Program” by collecting food items and distributing the backpacks every Thursday morning to our elementary schools. Within our church, we join with all our Mission programs to help as needed. Each year we provide a scholarship to a young person or an adult to help further their education. In March, we celebrate Women’s History Month with displays, trivia, and mini-dramas while honoring women in our church and community. We provide support to our members by making home visits, phone calls, and sending cards. Recently, this has expanded to weekly check-ins to make sure all are coping with the Covid-19 crisis. In the fall and winter months we offer a “New To You” sale and a mitten mission which provides hats, scarves, and gloves to those in need. Socially, we have a Spring Tea, open to the community, where we share our beautiful church with others while collecting non-perishable food for our food pantry.