
We have a number of fellowship groups in our ministry. Learn more by clicking the group that you are interested in. 

United Methodist Women


Third Thursday of each month,

7:00 p.m.

Meeting Place:

St. Paul’s UMC. Chapel

Who We Are. Welcome to the United Methodist Women of St. Paul’s. We share a Bible lesson, camaraderie, and a healthy snack. Throughout the year, we strive to fulfill our mission of turning faith, hope, and love into action. We welcome new members and hope all will join us in reflecting on the United Methodist Women’s goal of serving locally and globally in mission.

How We Serve. Locally, we work with the “No Kid Hungry Backpack Program” by collecting food items and distributing the backpacks every Thursday morning to our elementary schools. Within our church, we join with all our Mission programs to help as needed. Each year we provide a scholarship to a young person or an adult to help further their education. In March, we celebrate Women’s History Month with displays, trivia, and mini-dramas while honoring women in our church and community. We provide support to our members by making home visits, phone calls, and sending cards. Recently, this has expanded to weekly check-ins to make sure all are coping with the Covid-19 crisis. In the fall and winter months we offer a “New To You” sale and a mitten mission which provides hats, scarves, and gloves to those in need. Socially, we have a Spring Tea, open to the community, where we share our beautiful church with others while collecting non-perishable food for our food pantry.

Who We Are. The Men of St Paul’s was started many years ago as a compliment to the women’s circles in the church. It was also intended that the men (much younger then) would help the older members of the church with things around their houses they might not be able to do for themselves.

How We Serve. We have Breakfast once a month usually the third Saturday. We have collected clothing for those in need. We also give what donations we get around Thanksgiving and Christmas to The Interfaith Food Pantry at St. Paul’s for use by those in need. When we meet for our Christmas breakfast we invite our wives and children to join us. We also sponsor the Boy Scout troop that meets in the church; without our help they might not be able to help the boys.

The Men
of St. Paul’s

Mama’s United


1st Sat of the month 4p-5:30p

& 3rd Friday of the month 10am-11:30am

Place: St. Paul’s Chapel

Who We Are. We are a peer support group for black and brown mothers

How We Serve. We come together to gain support and informative insight into their cultural experiences. Child Watch for children under 4 is available

Who We Are. St. Paul’s Purls of Wisdom and Knit Wits seeks to provide an opportunity to meet fellow Crocheters/Knitters and otherwise string obsessed artists and wannabes. We are knitters & crocheters but welcome those who sew, needlepoint, etc.. If your craft involves a needle or yarn, join us.

How We Serve. We meet monthly to share tips, learn, and to teach one another in a safe and nurturing space but mostly we enjoy each other’s company as we share threads of wisdom and wit.

St. Paul’s Purls of Wisdom and Knit Wits


Second Wednesday of each month, 6:30 pm

Meeting Place:

St. Paul’s UMC. Light snacks provided

Skill level:

Beginner to Expert

St. Paul’s Fellowship


Monday through Friday, 8 am. Summer Season.


St. Paul’s UMC Walks: Locally in Middletown

Skill level:

Easy to Moderate.

Who We Are. St. Paul’s Fellowship Walkers is a welcoming, loving, supportive group of walkers of all ages and capabilities. We believe walking together not only builds our physical strength but it also builds our spiritual sensibility, a sense of community and belonging that adds safety and accountability.

How We Serve. We all know that walking is a great way to improve or maintain your overall health, both mentally and physically. It is the easiest form of exercise yet many of us lack the motivation to begin. Getting support from others by walking together can actually help you stick with your health and fitness goals. Morning walking routes are around the city of Middletown. Afternoon walks at local parks are also planned based on walkers’ needs. We participate in local fundraisers: eg. Greater Middletown Crop Hunger Walk and other community events. Walkers of all skill levels welcome

Who We Are. St. Paul’s Heart and Soul Hikers seek to encounter God through nature and all of its wonders. We are a caring and supportive group and together we are challenged to help and encourage one another when the trail gets a little difficult so that all reach our destination.

How We Serve. Hiking with one another in fellowship brings together sports, nature, and spirituality. Take a hike – and you just might find God! Do you desire to spend more time in the vastness of the great outdoors and the majestic glory of the God who created it? All hikes are an opportunity to grow in fellowship with nature and each other. Join us no matter what you seek, you never know what you may find.

St. Paul's Heart & Soul Hikers


1x monthly, Saturday morning, time to be determined Spring, Summer, and Fall


Meeting Place:

St. Paul’s UMC.



Local mountain trails


Skill level:

Easy to Moderate

Spanish Class


Wednesday 1:00pm


St. Paul’s church office

Who We Are. ¡Hola amigos! Welcome to Spanish Class! We are native English speakers who want to learn Spanish to better communicate with our Spanish-speaking neighbors.

How We Serve. We meet every week at the church. We are learning to speak Spanish while enjoying a new culture, too! Come and join us, all levels welcome!

Who We Are. Quarterly Quack is an informal congregational setting, sponsored by the St. Paul’s United Methodist Women.

How We Serve. A safe supportive setting where members of the congregation can meet to ‘touch base” (quack, quack) with each other about non- church related subjects- joys, sorrows, accomplishments, goals, challenges, children, grandchildren or new electronic gadgets. A space where one can communicate through speaking, singing, miming, acting or art. Bring along your crochet, knitting, doodle pads and pencils.

Quarterly Quack


Stay tuned for our next meeting.



St. Paul’s Chapel

Dorcas Circle


Second Friday of each month,

7 p.m.  September thru June


Meeting Place:

St. Paul’s UMC. Chapel

Who We Are. Dorcas Circle is a group of women that meet ten months of the year for spiritual devotions, conduct a business meeting, fellowship and refreshments.  All women of St. Paul’s are welcome to join.

How We Serve.

Dorcas Circle has small fundraisers such as; cutlery catalog sales and bake sales at the local Farmer Market once a year.  We have used the funds raised to purchase a freezer and  communion cloths.  We have contributed to the Furnace Fund and helped with funds for the lighted sign outside of Fellowship Hall.

At our Christmas Party, instead of exchanging gifts, there is a Penny Auction of gifts, which are items from around our homes or new ones gift-wrapped or placed in fancy gift bags.  The funds are given to St. Paul’s Mission for someone or family as a  special gift.


We strive to share God’s love by creating safe places where all are accepted and welcomed, connecting the needs of people to the presence of God, and transforming the world through Christ.


Office Hours

Monday , Wednesday & Friday 8 am – 1 pm

Tuesday 12 pm – 5 pm

Thursday 11 am – 4 pm

Visit Us

58 W Main St. Middletown, NY 10940

Call Us

(845) 343-6911

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