Worship & Bible Study


Worship Service

Sunday at 10:00am

Who We Are. St. Paul’s United Methodist Church Middletown, New York, has been making disciples for the transformation of the world since 1824.

How We Serve? During Sunday morning worship at St. Paul’s, you are guaranteed a warm greeting from the congregation, welcoming you to fellowship. Together we learn, listen, share, seek forgiveness, show love, praise and give thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ; through prayer, music, dramatic scripture readings, song, joyful noises, children’s stories, noisy offerings, food collection, visual presentations, vocal choir, bell choir and the message of our resurrected Lord and Savior. Providing an opportunity for an authentic encounter with God through Jesus Christ, for us in this 21st century. When we at St. Paul’s say Open
Hearts, Open Minds and Open Doors, we really mean it. Join us. Look for the sign at the altar “Everyone is welcomed here!” BLESSINGS!


(Children's Church)

Church School (Kindergarten- 6th Grade)

Sunday at 10:00am (During the school year)

Who We Are. St. Paul’s UMC offers a small but active Children’s Church for children enrolled in Kindergarten through 6th grade

How We Serve? Classes are during the adult Worship service. Through lessons which include Old and New Testament scripture, stories, prayer, songs and arts and crafts, children develop a sense of church community on their journey toward life as a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Daily Morning Prayer

Time: Monday-Friday, 7am-8am.

Place: St. Paul’s UMC Chapel.

Who We Are. Start your weekday mornings off with this faith community at our Daily Morning
Prayer service. Everyone is invited (church members and non-members).

How We Serve? Each morning we gather together to read and discuss scripture, sing a hymn, pray and
support each other’s spiritual growth. This is a very casual service where the emphasis is on meeting God wherever you are in your faith journey. People come for a few days or have joined the group for years. We invite you to join us for a blessed start to your day.


Who We Are. We at St. Paul’s UMC take the Bible to be central and foundational in our lives. We take it seriously. We, as a congregation, are
committed to reading and reflecting on the scriptural passages in light of the entire Bible and study them through many different lenses including historically-critical readings.

How We Serve? Daily Morning Prayer includes in-depth and careful reflection on the entire Bible, one small bite at a time, alternating between Old Testament and New Testament. We also conduct varied short-term Bible studies throughout the year. Examples of these include: “Reading Through
the Entire Bible in a Year”, Lenten Bible Reading Marathons (reading together an entire book in one four-hour sitting), topical biblically-based studies through TASP (Theological Academy at St. Paul’s), and most recently Bible Study from the perspective of Liberation Theology in Spanish with English translation as needed, in partnership and solidarity with our Latinx immigrant community in the greater Middletown area. 

Stay tuned for the next Bible study that you may be interested in.


We strive to share God’s love by creating safe places where all are accepted and welcomed, connecting the needs of people to the presence of God, and transforming the world through Christ.


Office Hours

Monday , Wednesday & Friday 8 am – 1 pm

Tuesday 12 pm – 5 pm

Thursday 11 am – 4 pm

Visit Us

58 W Main St. Middletown, NY 10940

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(845) 343-6911

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